Program Overview
The two areas of emphasis within the Equine option are designed to give students direction in regard to their future career and endeavors.
The Management or General Emphasis is designed to prepare those students wanting to not only own horses, but to manage equine facilities, event centers, or to go into areas such as nutrition, pharmaceuticals sales or marketing and promotion.
The Human or Animal Therapy Emphasis is designed to prepare students to go into the area of animal-assisted therapy. Using horses as therapy animals is becoming widely accepted and utilized. For this emphasis, the student not only needs to understand the horse itself but human nature as well.
Scope of Base Animal Science Program
- Baccalaureate core: 48 credits plus a Writing Intensive Course (WIC) of at least 3 credits
- Animal Science Core: 34 credits
- Animal Industry: 6 credits
- Animal Production: 6 credits
- Advanced Animal Behavior, BioHealth, Management & Judging: 6
- General science, math & statistics: 34 credits
- Agribusiness: 4
Option Outline
Required: 12 credits
- ANS 220. Introductory Horse Science (3)
- ANS 333. Equine Stable Management (3)
- ANS 335. Equine Health and Disease (3)
ANS 341. Animal Behavior and Cognition (3) or ANS 435. Applied Animal Behavior (3)
or ANS 441. Topics in Animal Learning (3)
Select two classes from the following (you may take all):
- ANS 430. Equine Systems I: Exercise Science (4)
- ANS 431. Equine Systems II: Nutrition (3)
- ANS 432. Equine Systems III: Reproduction (3)
Select a minimum of 9 credits focused on:
- Management or General Emphasis or Human or Animal Therapy Emphasis