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Katherine Wollstein
- Dr. Katie Wollstein’s extension and applied research is focused on social and policy conditions for adaptive co-management of rangeland resources and collective arrangements for managing public goods such as fire resilience. Within the OSU Extension Fire Program, Katie’s programming aims to assist ranchers, agencies, and other stakeholders in leveraging their different tools, capacities, and types of knowledge to create or maintain fire resilience in rangeland settings with multiple landownerships, values, and resource uses.

Assistant Professor (Practice)
katherine.wollstein [at]
Office: 541-573-8924
katherine.wollstein [at]
Office: 541-573-8924
Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center - Burns
EOARC-Burns Experiment Station 67826-A Hwy 205
EOARC-Burns Experiment Station
67826-A Hwy 205
Burns, OR 97720-9394