Steer-A-Year Barn


The Steer-A-Year Barn currently resides just west of the Oldfield Animal Teaching Facility on Campus Way. There are 11 bunks with bedding, and concrete flooring for easier cleaning, as well as a chute system for close proximity handling. Each bunk is hand fed with a predetermined amount of pre-mixed feed based on the collective weight of the steers occupying each bunk. The capacity of the barn is 44 animals.  

The barn is primarily used for Steer-A-Year Program/Club that actively participates in managing the cattle that is generously donated every fall for them to learn about the beef cattle industry and all that it offers. Students obtain a hands-on education as they are responsible for feeding and care of the animals. Students get experience in all aspects of beef cattle from performing monthly weighing of all cattle, identifying and treating health concerns, to evaluating and selecting animals when they are ready to be harvested.

Getting Involved

For more information about Steer-A-Year, visit the Facebook page.

Steer-A-Year can also be taken as a class! Earn 2 Upper Division credits by enrolling in ANS 405/Steer-A-Year. The requirements vary by term, but may include presentations or term papers on specific topics related the Beef Cattle Industry. During Spring Term members enrolled in Steer-A-Year for credit will be required to spend 20 hours (2 hours per week) in the Clark Meat Center on campus, assisting with the creation of retail cuts.

Any other questions should be directed to Matthew Kennedy.