Sheep Center

osu sheep center


The Sheep Center provides hands on experience and education for students majoring in Animal Science at Oregon State University. Located on 600 acres of hillside pastures, the center maintains a 100-ewe breeding flock for research and education projects. Research has focused primarily on using genetic variation to increase efficiency of commercial lamb production. Other research involves rumen toxicology. The sheep barn has facilities for animal handling, lambing, and group feeding trials. 

In addition to research, the sheep center is also utilized for teaching and extension work. The OSU Animal Sciences Department and the College of Veterinary Medicine utilize the sheep center to teach various labs. Labor for the sheep center is supplied by the supervisor, student employees, and student volunteers during lambing season.

Additional sheep facilities located on Campus Way include two barns where reproductive physiology research is performed by a collaborative team from the Animal and Rangeland Sciences Department, the College of Veterinary Medicine, and OHSU.

Tours may be available on a limited basis to 4-H clubs and other education groups. For information, contact Selby Boerman via email at:


Sheep Center Manager: TBA