Faces of AgSci Alumni & Friends

Brian Chapman

ER Jackman Member Profile: Brian Chapman

Brian Chapman | Brewmaster at Worthy Brewing
Double Major in Food Science & Technology and Sustainability '17

Discovering Agri-Passions

Adriana Perez | B.S. Animal Science | La Mirada, California | Alumni

@perez.adriii | Minor in Comparative International Agriculture

Diversity Commitment Award | SACNAS Chapter awarded by the College of Agricultural Science

Donald Wirth

Alumni Spotlight: Donald Wirth

Donald Wirth graduated from Oregon State University and has been farming in Oregon for decades. He was recently honored by the Agricultural Communicators Network with the 2023 Distinguished Service Award.

Lucy Bauer: An Original Baddie

An Original Baddie

Lucy Bauer | Alumni | Corvallis, OR | First Gen.


BS, Fermentation Science | 2Towns Ciderhouse

Brew to Table

Lucy Bauer | Alumni | Corvallis, OR | First Gen.

BS, Fermentation Science | QC and R&D Tech II

www.2townsciderhouse.com | www.instagram.com/2townscider


Abby Chase

Abby Chase

Abby is a 2018 graduate of the College of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Sciences and Horticulture programs with a Masters in Ag Education. She was a member of the Ag Ed Club, worked in the Office of International Services, a fellow in Leadership Academy, and is a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta Women’s Fraternity.

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