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“Comparison of selenium status in sheep after short-term exposure to high-selenium-fertilized forage or mineral supplement”, Small Ruminant Research, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 40 - 45, 2009.
, “A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection”, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
, “A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection”, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
, “Conflicts in the Use of the ACS by Federal Agencies Between Statutory Requirements and Survey Methodology”, Population Research and Policy Review, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 461 - 480, 2015.
, “Consequences of Surface and Subsurface Water Use on Wetland Graminoids of Different Geographic Origin”, Wetlands, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 121 - 131, 2018.
, “Considerations for modeling bacterial-induced changes in hydraulic properties of variably saturated porous media”, Advances in water resources, vol. 25, pp. 477–495, 2002.
, “Contrasting distribution patterns of invasive and naturalized non-native species along environmental gradients in a semi-arid montane ecosystem”, Applied Vegetation Science, p. n/a - n/a, 2015.
, “Contribution of water-limited ecoregions to their own supply of rainfall”, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 11, no. 12, 2016.
, “Crested Wheatgrass Impedes the Spread of Medusahead”, Range Field Day 2009 Progress Report, p. 39, 2009.
, “Critical Zone Services: Expanding Context, Constraints, and Currency beyond Ecosystem Services”, Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 14, 2015.
, “Crop domestication relaxes both top-down and bottom-up effects on a specialist herbivore”, Basic and Applied Ecology, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 216 - 227, 2009.
, “Data and analyses of woody restoration planting survival and growth as a function of wild ungulate herbivory.”, Data Brief, vol. 14, pp. 168-174, 2017.
, “De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Analyses of Gene Expression during Photomorphogenesis in Diploid Wheat Triticum monococcum.”, PLoS ONE, vol. 9, 2014.
, “Defender: A high-yielding, processing potato cultivar with foliar and tuber resistance to late blight”, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 83, no. 11, pp. 9 - 19, 2006.
, “Degradation of incurred tylosin to desmycosin – implications for residue analysis of honey”, Analytica Chimica Acta , vol. 568, pp. 304-311, 2006.
, “Degradation of incurred tylosin to desmycosin—Implications for residue analysis of honey”, Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 586, no. 1-2, pp. 304 - 311, 2007.
, “Determination of folate concentrations in diverse potato germplasm using a trienzyme extraction and a microbiological assay”, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 55, 2007.
, “Determining nitrate and ammonium requirements for optimal in vitro response of diverse pear species”, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, vol. 5127711669136409942825551421534385028915349499494634927, no. 12, pp. 19 - 27, 2015.
, “Determining optimum in vitro mineral nutrition for diverse pear germplasm using response surface methodology”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1113, pp. 79 - 84, 2016.
, “Development of a multiplexed fingerprinting set in blackberry”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1133, pp. 89 - 96, 2016.
, “Development of a qualitative model for investigating benthic community response to anthropogenic activities”, Proceedings of QR, pp. 2–4, 2004.
, “The Developmental Pattern of the Musculature Associated with the Mandibular and Hyoid Arches in the Longnose Gar, Lepisosteus osseus (Actinopterygii, Ginglymodi, Lepisosteiformes)”, Copeia, vol. 103, no. 4, pp. 920 - 932, 2015.
, “D/H isotope ratios in the global hydrologic cycle”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 5042 - 5050, 2015.
, “D/H isotope ratios in the global hydrologic cycle”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 42, pp. 5042–5050, 2015.
, “Different mutator phenotypes in Mlh1-versus Pms2-deficient mice”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 96, pp. 6850–6855, 1999.