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“Settlement and recruitment of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in two contrasting habitats in the Mediterranean”, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 282, pp. 173 - 184, 2004.
, “Differential herbivory of invasive algae by native fish in the Mediterranean Sea”, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 92, no. 1, pp. 27 - 34, 2011.
, “Effects of herbivores on a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow: importance of epiphytes”, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 287, pp. 115 - 125, 2005.
, “Plant genotype and nitrogen loading influence seagrass productivity, biochemistry, and plant–herbivore interactions”, Ecology, vol. 92, no. 9, pp. 1807 - 1817, 2011.
, “Seasonal and small-scale spatial variability of herbivory pressure on the temperate seagrass Posidonia oceanica”, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 301, pp. 95 - 107, 2005.
, “Responses of seagrass to anthropogenic and natural disturbances do not equally translate to its consumers”, Global Change Biology, no. 11, pp. 4021 - 4030, 2015.
, “Differential element assimilation by sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus in seagrass beds: implications for trophic interactions”, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 306, pp. 125 - 131, 2006.
, “Impact of floral feeding on adult Drosophila suzukii survival and nutrient status”, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, no. 3, pp. 793 - 802, 2016.
, “Temperature-Related Development and Population Parameters for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) on Cherry and Blueberry”, Environmental Entomology, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 501 - 510, 2014.
, “Humidity affects populations of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in blueberry”, Journal of Applied Entomology, vol. 140, no. 1-2, pp. 47 - 57, 2016.
, “Effect of fruiting cane origin on fruitfulness of hardy kiwifruit, Actinidia arguta.”, NZ J. Crop and Hort. Sci., vol. 31, pp. 179-186, 2003.
, “Flowering and fruiting morphology of hardy kiwifruit, Actinidia arguta”, Acta Hort., vol. 610, pp. 171-176, 2003.
, “The influence of time of overhead shading on yield, fruit quality, and subsequent flowering of hardy kiwifruit, Actinidia arguta”, NZ J. Crop and Hort. Sci., vol. 32, pp. 235-241, 2004.
, “Draft genome sequencing of the foxglove aphid (Aulacorthum solani Kaltenbach), a vector of potato viruses, provides insights on virulence genes”, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, vol. 24, pp. 93-102, 2021.
, “Germplasm, Breeding, and Genomics in Potato Improvement of Biotic and Abiotic Stresses Tolerance”, Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 13, 2022.
, “Evaluating Computational and Structural Approaches to Predict Transformation Products of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.”, Environ Sci Technol, 2018.
, “Identification and Toxicological Evaluation of Unsubstituted PAHs and Novel PAH Derivatives in Pavement Sealcoat Products.”, Environ Sci Technol Lett, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 234-242, 2016.
, “Automating data analysis for two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry non-targeted analysis of comparative samples.”, J Chromatogr A, vol. 1541, pp. 57-62, 2018.
, “Thousand Cankers Disease is Widespread in Black Walnut in the Western United States”, Plant Health Progress, 2011.
, “Integrated Omics Analysis of Pathogenic Host Responses during Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus Infection: The Crucial Role of Lipid Metabolism”, Cell Host & Microbe, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 254 - 266, 2016.
, “1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Plasma Levels of Vitamin E and Vitamin A in Cattle Raised Over a One Year Period on the Squaw Butte and Union Stations”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
, “1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Influence of Routine Management Practices at Burns and Union, Oregon, on Selenium, Copper, Zinc and Cobalt Status of Cattle”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
, “Effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on soil respiration under ponderosa pine”, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 1764 - 1778, 2006.
, “Cost of ultrahigh pressure food pasteurization”, ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP, vol. 297, pp. 75–84, 1995.
, “Mechanism-Based Classification of PAH Mixtures to Predict Carcinogenic Potential”, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 146, no. 1, pp. 135 - 145, 2015.