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B. A. B. Martins, ánchez-Olguín, E., Perez-Jones, A., Hulting, A. G., and Mallory-Smith, C., Alleles Contributing to ACCase-Resistance in an Italian Ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) Population from Oregon, Weed Science, vol. 62, no. 03, pp. 468 - 473, 2014.
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O. Holovachov, Boström, S., De Ley, I. Tandingan, Donnell, R. J. Mc, Alvarado, S., Paine, T. D., and De Ley, P., Alloionema similis n. sp., a genetically divergent sibling species of A. appendiculatum Schneider, 1859 (Rhabditida: Alloionematidae) from invasive slugs in California, USA, Systematic Parasitology, vol. 93, no. 9suppl. 3, pp. 877 - 898, 2016.
O. Holovachov, Boström, S., Tandingan-De-Ley, I., McDonnell, R., Alvarado, S., Paine, T. D., and De Ley, P., Alloionema similis n. sp., a genetically divergent sibling species of A. appendiculatum Schneider, 1859 (Rhabditida: Alloionematidae) from invasive slugs in California, USA, Systematic Parasitology, vol. 93, pp. 877–898, 2016.
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Z. Jeknić, Jeknić, S., Jevremović, S., Subotić, A., and Chen, T. H. H., Alteration of flower color in Iris germanica L. 'Fire Bride' through ectopic expression of phytoene synthase gene (crtB) from Pantoea agglomerans., Plant Cell Rep, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1307-21, 2014.
S. Dagdeviren, Jung, D. Young, Lee, E., Friedline, R. H., Noh, H. Lim, Kim, J. Hun, Patel, P. R., Tsitsilianos, N., Tsitsilianos, A. V., Tran, D. A., Tsougranis, G. H., Kearns, C. C., Uong, C. P., Kwon, J. Yeon, Muller, W., Lee, K. Won, and Kim, J. K., Altered Interleukin-10 Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Regulates Obesity-Mediated Inflammation and Insulin Resistance., Mol Cell Biol, vol. 36, no. 23, pp. 2956-2966, 2016.