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Journal Article
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R. C. Graebner, Hayes, P. M., Hagerty, C. H., and Cuesta-Marcos, A., A comparison of polymorphism information content and mean of transformed kinships as criteria for selecting informative subsets of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. s. l.) from the USDA Barley Core Collection, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 477 - 482, 2016.
R. C. Graebner, Hayes, P. M., Hagerty, C. H., and Cuesta-Marcos, A., A comparison of polymorphism information content and mean of transformed kinships as criteria for selecting informative subsets of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. s. l.) from the USDA Barley Core Collection, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 477 - 482, 2016.
M. D. Madsen, Petersen, S. L., Roundy, B. A., Hopkins, B. G., and Taylor, A. G., Comparison of Postfire Soil Water Repellency Amelioration Strategies on Bluebunch Wheatgrass and Cheatgrass Survival, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 182 - 188, 2012.
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E. P. Hamerlynck, Smith, B. S., Sheley, R., and Svejcar, T., Compensatory Photosynthesis, Water-Use Efficiency, and Biomass Allocation of Defoliated Exotic and Native Bunchgrass Seedlings, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 206 - 214, 2016.
A. Castro, Cuesta-Marcos, A., Hayes, P. M., Locatelli, A., Macauly, M., Mastandrea, N., Silveira, M., Thomas, W., and Viega, L., The completely additive effects of two barley phenology related genes (eps2S and sdw1) are explained by specific effects at different periods within the crop growth cycle., Plant Breeding, 2017.
J. G. Teeguarden, Tan, Y. - M., Edwards, S. W., Leonard, J. A., Anderson, K. A., Corley, R. A., Kile, M. L., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Stone, D., Tanguay, R., Waters, K. M., Harper, S. L., and Williams, D. E., Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016.
J. G. Teeguarden, Tan, C., Edwards, S., Leonard, J. A., Anderson, K. A., Corley, R. A., Harding, A. K., Kile, M., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Stone, D., Waters, K. M., Harper, S., Williams, D. Edward, and Tanguay, R. L., Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework., Environ Sci Technol, 2016.
J. G. Teeguarden, Tan, Y. - M., Edwards, S. W., Leonard, J. A., Anderson, K. A., Corley, R. A., Kile, M. L., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Stone, D., Tanguay, R. L., Waters, K. M., Harper, S. L., and Williams, D. E., Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework., Environ Sci Technol, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 4579-86, 2016.
J. G. Teeguarden, Tan, C., Edwards, S., Leonard, J. A., Anderson, K. A., Corley, R. A., Harding, A. K., Kile, M., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Stone, D., Waters, K. M., Harper, S., Williams, D. Edward, and Tanguay, R. L., Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework., Environ Sci Technol, 2016.
L. Resman, Howe, G., Jonsen, D., Englund, M., Druart, N., Schrader, J., Antti, H., Skinner, J., Sjödin, A., Chen, T. H. H., and Bhalerao, R. P., Components acting downstream of short day perception regulate differential cessation of cambial activity and associated responses in early and late clones of hybrid poplar., Plant Physiol, vol. 154, no. 3, pp. 1294-303, 2010.
B. D. Aevermann, Pickett, B. E., Kumar, S., Klem, E. B., Agnihothram, S., Askovich, P. S., Bankhead, A., Bolles, M., Carter, V., Chang, J., Clauss, T. R. W., Dash, P., Diercks, A. H., Eisfeld, A. J., Ellis, A., Fan, S., Ferris, M. T., Gralinski, L. E., Green, R. R., Gritsenko, M. A., Hatta, M., Heegel, R. A., Jacobs, J. M., Jeng, S., Josset, L., Kaiser, S. M., Kelly, S., G. Law, L., Li, C., Li, J., Long, C., Luna, M. L., Matzke, M., McDermott, J., Menachery, V., Metz, T. O., Mitchell, H., Monroe, M. E., Navarro, G., Neumann, G., Podyminogin, R. L., Purvine, S. O., Rosenberger, C. M., Sanders, C. J., Schepmoes, A. A., Shukla, A. K., Sims, A., Sova, P., Tam, V. C., Tchitchek, N., Thomas, P. G., Tilton, S. C., Totura, A., Wang, J., Webb-Robertson, B. - J., Wen, J., Weiss, J. M., Yang, F., Yount, B., Zhang, Q., McWeeney, S., Smith, R. D., Waters, K. M., Kawaoka, Y., Baric, R., Aderem, A., Katze, M. G., and Scheuermann, R. H., A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
B. D. Aevermann, Pickett, B. E., Kumar, S., Klem, E. B., Agnihothram, S., Askovich, P. S., Bankhead, A., Bolles, M., Carter, V., Chang, J., Clauss, T. R. W., Dash, P., Diercks, A. H., Eisfeld, A. J., Ellis, A., Fan, S., Ferris, M. T., Gralinski, L. E., Green, R. R., Gritsenko, M. A., Hatta, M., Heegel, R. A., Jacobs, J. M., Jeng, S., Josset, L., Kaiser, S. M., Kelly, S., G. Law, L., Li, C., Li, J., Long, C., Luna, M. L., Matzke, M., McDermott, J., Menachery, V., Metz, T. O., Mitchell, H., Monroe, M. E., Navarro, G., Neumann, G., Podyminogin, R. L., Purvine, S. O., Rosenberger, C. M., Sanders, C. J., Schepmoes, A. A., Shukla, A. K., Sims, A., Sova, P., Tam, V. C., Tchitchek, N., Thomas, P. G., Tilton, S. C., Totura, A., Wang, J., Webb-Robertson, B. - J., Wen, J., Weiss, J. M., Yang, F., Yount, B., Zhang, Q., McWeeney, S., Smith, R. D., Waters, K. M., Kawaoka, Y., Baric, R., Aderem, A., Katze, M. G., and Scheuermann, R. H., A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
A. K. Harding, Harper, B., Stone, D., O'Neill, C., Berger, P., Harris, S., and Donatuto, J., Conducting research with tribal communities: sovereignty, ethics and data-sharing issues, Environmental Health Perspectives, September, pp. 11–24, 2011.
A. K. Harding, Harper, B., Stone, D., O'Neill, C., Berger, P., Harris, S., and Donatuto, J., Conducting research with tribal communities: sovereignty, ethics and data-sharing issues, Environmental Health Perspectives, September, pp. 11–24, 2011.
A. K. Harding, Harper, B., Stone, D., O'Neill, C., Berger, P., Harris, S., and Donatuto, J., Conducting research with tribal communities: sovereignty, ethics and data-sharing issues, Environmental Health Perspectives, September, pp. 11–24, 2011.
D. Heimeier, C. Baker, S., PJ, D., K, R., A, H., and GS, S., Confirmed expression of MHC class I and class II genes in the New Zealand endemic Hector's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori), Marine Mammal Science, 2009.