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“Rapid and effective oxidative pretreatment of woody biomass at mild reaction conditions and low oxidant loadings”, Biotechnol Biofuels, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 119, 2013.
, “A Raman lidar to measure water vapor in the atmospheric boundary layer”, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 51, pp. 345–356, 2013.
, “Raising dryland rye hay”, 1963.
“Rainbow Trout diets and macroinvertebrates assemblages responses from watersheds dominated by native and exotic plantations”, Ecological Indicators, vol. 60, pp. 655 - 667, 2016.
, “Radiocarbon-Based Partitioning of Soil Respiration in an Old-Growth Coniferous Forest”, Ecosystems, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 459 - 470, 2015.
, “A Quick and Simple Method to Evaluate Anisogramma anomala Ascospore Viability”, Plant Health Progress, 2013.
, “Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley.”, PloS one, vol. 10, p. e0133767, 2015.
, “Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley.”, PloS one, vol. 10, p. e0133767, 2015.
, “Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley”, PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 7, p. e0133767, 2015.
, “Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley.”, PloS one, vol. 10, p. e0133767, 2015.
, “Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley”, PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 7, p. e0133767, 2015.
, “Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley”, PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 7, p. e0133767, 2015.
, “Quantitative trait loci analysis for resistance to Cephalosporium stripe, a vascular wilt disease of wheat”, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1339 - 1349, 2011.
, “Quantitative determination of fluorochemicals in municipal landfill leachates”, Chemosphere, vol. 82, pp. 1380–1386, 2011.
, “Quantitative Classification of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Root Length and Diameter Using Image Analysis”, PLoS ONE, vol. 12, no. 1, p. e0169968, 2017.
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, “Quality and internal characteristics of Huanghua pears (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai, cv. Huanghua) treated with different kinds of coatings during storage”, Postharvest Biology and Technology, vol. 49, pp. 171–179, 2008.
, “Quality and Consumer Acceptance of Berry Fruit Pomace–Fortified Specialty Mustard”, Journal of Food Science, vol. 83, pp. 1921-1932, 2018.
, “Quality and consumer acceptance of berry fruit pomace-fortified specialty mustard. ”, Journal of Food Science, vol. 83, no. 7, 2018.
, “QTL mapping of powdery mildew susceptibility in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)”, Euphytica, vol. 18, no. 36, pp. 411 - 420, 2011.
, “QTL associated with snap bean pod quality and processing traits in common bean”, Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science, vol. 141, pp. 131–138, 2016.
, “QTL analysis of resistance to powdery mildew in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)”, Euphytica, vol. 21, no. 41, 2017.