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D. Kean, Myers, J. R., Stang, J., Boches, P., Barrett, M., Zimmerman, S., and Dalotto, T., Vegetable Variety Trials 2008. 2009.
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J. S. Kirkwood, Lebold, K. M., Miranda, C. L., Wright, C. L., Miller, G. W., Tanguay, R. L., Barton, C. L., Traber, M. G., and Stevens, J. F., Vitamin C deficiency activates the purine nucleotide cycle in zebrafish., J Biol Chem, vol. 287, no. 6, pp. 3833-41, 2012.
J. S. Kirkwood, Lebold, K. M., Miranda, C. L., Wright, C. L., Miller, G. W., Tanguay, R. L., Barton, C. L., Traber, M. G., and Stevens, J. F., Vitamin C Deficiency Activates the Purine Nucleotide Cycle in Zebrafish, Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 287, no. 6, pp. 3833 - 3841, 2012.
T. G. F. Kittel, Rosenbloom, N. A., Royle, J. A., Daly, C., Gibson, W. P., Fisher, H. H., Thornton, P., Yates, D. N., Aulenbach, S., Kaufman, C., and , VEMAP2 Participants (2004) VEMAP phase 2 bioclimatic database. I. Gridded historical (20th century) climate for modeling ecosystem dynamics across the conterminous United States, Clim Res, vol. 27, pp. 151–170, 2004.
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R. T. Lackey, Vertical Gill Nets for Studying Depth Distribution of Small Fish, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 296 - 299, 1968.
C. Langpap, Voluntary Agreements and Private Enforcement of Environmental Regulation, Journal of Regulatory Economics, vol. 47, no. 1, 2015.
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K. M. Lebold, Jump, D. B., Miller, G. W., Wright, C. L., Labut, E. M., Barton, C. L., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., Vitamin E deficiency decreases long-chain PUFA in zebrafish (Danio rerio)., J Nutr, vol. 141, no. 12, pp. 2113-8, 2011.
K. M. Lebold, Jump, D. B., Miller, G. W., Wright, L. C., Labut, E. M., Barton, C. L., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., Vitamin E Deficiency Decreases Long-Chain PUFA in Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Journal of Nutrition, vol. 141, no. 12, pp. 2113 - 2118, 2011.
H. Liu, Copeland, L. O., and Elias, S., Variability in Soybean Seed Counts Determined by Electronic and Manual Methods, Seed Technology, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 122-133, 2011.
H. Liu, Copeland, L. O., and Elias, S. G., Variability in Soybean Seed Counts Determined by Electronic and Manual Methods, Seed Technology, pp. 122–133, 2011.
W. Liu, Shen, X., Liu, C., and Su, Y. - C., Vibrio parahaemolyticus in granulated ark shell clam (Tegillarca granosas): accumulation from water and survival during cold storage and thermal process, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, vol. 4519285669707065113441117722120351614246864123226, no. 4, pp. 670 - 675, 2010.