
Found 8080 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Y. Zhong, Zhuang, C., Gu, W., and Zhao, Y., Effect of molecular weight on the properties of chitosan films prepared using electrostatic spraying technique, Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 212, 2019.
E. T. Braithwaite, McDonald, B. W., Stock, T., and Kowalewski, A. R., Effects of integrated pest management cultural practices: (Mowing, fertilization, and irrigation) on weed populations in turfgrass, New England Blade, pp. 20-22, 2019.
E. T. Braithwaite, Kowalewski, A. R., and Stock, T. R., Effects of integrated pest management practices on weed populations in Pacific Northwest turfgrass, ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. 2019.
E. T. Braithwaite, McDonald, B. W., Stock, T., and Kowalewski, A. R., Effects of IPM on weeds, SportsTurf, vol. 35, pp. 16, 18-19, 2019.
B. W. McDonald, Braithwaite, E. T., Kowalewski, A., and Mattox, C., Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium rates on Microdochium patch, ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. 2019.
T. F. Schumaher, Effects of Vaccination Timing Against Respiratory Pathogens on Performance, Antibody Response, and Health in Feedlot Cattle, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 620-630, 2019.
T. F. Schumaher, Cooke, R. F., Brandão, A. P., and Schubach, K. M., Effects of Vaccination Timing Against Respiratory Pathogens on Performance, Antibody Response, and Health in Feedlot Cattle, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 620-630, 2019.
J. J. Wu, Sexton, S., and Zilberman, D., Energy price shocks, household location patterns and housing crises: Theory and implications, Energy Economics, vol. 80, pp. 691 - 706, 2019.
K. L. Howe, Contreras-Moreira, B., De Silva, N., Maslen, G., Akanni, W., Allen, J., Alvarez-Jarreta, J., Barba, M., Bolser, D. M., Cambell, L., Carbajo, M., Chakiachvili, M., Christensen, M., Cummins, C., Cuzick, A., Davis, P., Fexova, S., Gall, A., George, N., Gil, L., Gupta, P., Hammond-Kosack, K. E., Haskell, E., Hunt, S. E., Jaiswal, P., Janacek, S. H., Kersey, P. J., Langridge, N., Maheswari, U., Maurel, T., McDowall, M. D., Moore, B., Muffato, M., Naamati, G., Naithani, S., Olson, A., Papatheodorou, I., Patricio, M., Paulini, M., Pedro, H., Perry, E., Preece, J., Rosello, M., Russell, M., Sitnik, V., Staines, D. M., Stein, J., Tello-Ruiz, M. K., Trevanion, S. J., Urban, M., Wei, S., Ware, D., Williams, G., Yates, A. D., and Flicek, P., Ensembl Genomes 2020-enabling non-vertebrate genomic research., Nucleic acids research, 2019.
E. P. Hamerlynck, Roby, M. C., Scott, R. L., Barron-Gafford, G. A., and Moore, D. J. P., Environmental and Vegetative Controls on Soil CO2 Efflux in Three Semiarid Ecosystems, Soil Systems, 2019.
M. C. Roby, Environmental and Vegetative Controls on Soil CO2 Efflux in Three Semiarid Ecosystems, Soil Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-19, 2019.
R. C. Braun, Patton, A. J., Kowalewski, A. R., and Braithwaite, E. T., Evaluation of low-input turfgrass patch and repair ingredients, ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. 2019.
E. Peterson, Larson, E., and Parke, J., Film-forming polymers and surfactants reduce infection and sporulation of Phytophthora ramorum on rhododendron, Plant Disease, 2019.
A. N. KC and Rasmussen, A. L., First Report of Diaporthe rudis Causing Fruit Rot of European Pears in the United States, Plant Disease, pp. PDIS-12-18-2184-PDN, 2019.
M. Hovland, Mata-González, R., R. Schreiner, P., and Rodhouse, T. J., Fungal Facilitation in Rangelands: Do Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Mediate Resilience and Resistance in Sagebrush Steppe?, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 678 - 691, 2019.
K. J. Vining, Pandelova, I., Hummer, K., Bassil, N., Contreras, R., Neill, K., Chen, H., Parrish, A. N., and Lange, B. Markus, Genetic diversity survey of Mentha aquatica L. and Mentha suaveolens Ehrh., mint crop ancestors, Genet Resour Crop Evol Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 825 - 845, 2019.
K. J. Komatsu, Global Change Effects on Plant Communities are Magnified by Time and the Number of Global Change Factors Imposed, PNAS, pp. 1-7, 2019.
J. D. Bates, Herbaceous Biomass Response to Prescribed Fire in Juniper-Encroached Sagebrush Steppe, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 28-35, 2019.
C. A. Mallory-Smith, Wada, N., and Parke, J., Here comes the sun, Digger Magazine, pp. 33-36, 2019.
M. Krause, González-Pérez, L., Crossa, J., Pérez-Rodríguez, P., Montesinos-López, O., Singh, R. P., Dreisigacker, S., Poland, J., Rutkoski, J., Sorrells, M., Gore, M. A., and Mondal, S., Hyperspectral Reflectance-Derived Relationship Matrices for Genomic Prediction of Grain Yield in Wheat, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1231 - 1247, 2019.
A. Formiga, Images and Descriptions of Cucurbita maxima in Western Europe in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Plant Breeding Reviews, vol. 43, 2019.
R. S. Marques, Impact of 24-h Feed, Water, or Feed and Water Deprivation on Feed Intake, Metabolic, and Inflammatory Responses in Beef Heifers , Journal of Animal Science, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 398-406, 2019.
E. Morgan, Gamble, J. T., Pearce, M. C., Elson, D. J., Tanguay, R. L., Kolluri, S. Kumar, and Reich, Norbert O, Improved in vivo targeting of BCL-2 phenotypic conversion through hollow gold nanoshell delivery., Apoptosis, 2019.
J. J. James and Sheley, R., Increased Soil Temperature and Decreased Precipitation During Early Life Stages Constrain Grass Seedling Recruitment in Cold Desert Restoration, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 2609-2619, 2019.
H. Heidel-Fischer, Kirsch, R., Reichelt, M., Ahn, S. - J., Wielsch, N., Baxter, S., Heckel, D., Vogel, H., and Kroymann, J., An Insect Counteradaptation against Host Plant Defenses Evolved through Concerted Neofunctionalization, Molecular Biology and Evolution, vol. 36, p. msz2019, 2019.