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M. S. Townsend and Shellhammer, T., Hop Breeding, in Companion to Beer, Oxford University Press, Inc, 2011.
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K. D. Swisher, Sengoda, V. G., Dixon, J., Echegaray, E. R., Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Munyaneza, J. E., and Crosslin, J. M., Haplotypes of the potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli, on the wild host plant, Solanum dulcamara, in the Pacific Northwestern United States, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 570-577, 2013.
K. D. Swisher, Sengoda, V. G., Dixon, J., Echegaray, E., Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Munyaneza, J. E., and Crosslin, J. M., Haplotypes of the Potato Psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli, on the Wild Host Plant, Solanum dulcamara, in the Pacific Northwestern United States, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 570 - 577, 2013.
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H. Y. Sintim, Burkhardt, A., Gawde, A., Cantrell, C. L., Astatkie, T., Obour, A. E., Zheljazkov, V. D., and Schlegel, V., Hydrodistillation time affects dill seed essential oil yield, composition, and bioactivity, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 63, pp. 190 - 196, 2015.
H. Y. Sintim, Burkhardt, A., Gawde, A., Cantrell, C. L., Astatkie, T., Obour, A., Zheljazkov, V. D., and Schlegel, V., Hydrodistillation time affects dill seed essential oil yield, composition, and bioactivity, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 63, pp. 190-196, 2015.
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C. Sayde, Thomas, C. K., Wagner, J., and Selker, J., High-resolution wind speed measurements using actively heated fiber optics, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 42, 2015.