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Filters: Keyword is Great Basin and Author is Roger Sheley [Clear All Filters]
“Effects of Soil Texture, Watering Frequency, and a Hydrogel on the Emergence and Survival of Coated and Uncoated Crested Wheatgrass Seeds”, Ecological Restoration, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 6 - 11, 2007.
, “Linking nitrogen partitioning and species abundance to invasion resistance in the Great Basin”, Oecologia, vol. 156, no. 3, pp. 637 - 648, 2008.
, “Increased Soil Temperature and Decreased Precipitation During Early Life Stages Constrain Grass Seedling Recruitment in Cold Desert Restoration”, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 2609-2619, 2019.