Found 3 results
Author Title Type [ Year] Filters: Author is Broxterman, Quirinus B [Clear All Filters]
“Factors governing 310-helix vs $\alpha$-helix formation in peptides: Percentage of C$\alpha$-tetrasubstituted $\alpha$-amino acid residues and sequence dependence”, Biopolymers, vol. 64, pp. 236–245, 2002.
, “Solution Structure, Dimerization, and Dynamics of a Lipophilic $\alpha$/310-Helical, C$\alpha$-Methylated Peptide. Implications for Folding of Membrane Proteins”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 123, pp. 6678–6686, 2001.
, “Synthesis of (R)-4, 4, 4-trifluoro-2-mercaptobutyric acid”, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, vol. 11, pp. 2125–2131, 2000.