
Found 35 results
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Journal Article
D. M. Barnard, Germino, M. J., Bradford, J. B., O'Connor, R., Andrews, C. M., and Shriver, R. K., Are Drought Indices and Climate Data Good Indicators of Ecologically Relevant Soil Moisture Dynamics in Drylands?, Ecological Indicators, vol. 133, no. December 2021 article 108379, 2021.
E. P. Hamerlynck and O'Connor, R., An Assessment of Seed Head and Flag Leaf Contributions to Reproductive Effort in Sagebrush Steppe Bunchgrasses, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 187, pp. 1-6, 2021.
S. B. St Clair, O'Connor, R., Gill, R., and McMillan, B., Biotic Resistance and Disturbance: Rodent Consumers Regulate Post-Fire Plant Invasions and Increase Plant Community Diversity, Ecological Society of America, vol. 97, no. 7, pp. 1700-1711, 2016.
T. Harris, Johnson, D. D., and O'Connor, R., A brief history of sagebrush management in the Great Basin: From removal to reduction and beyond, Rangelands, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 63 - 71, 2024.
R. O'Connor, Taylor, J. H., and Nippert, J. B., Browsing and Fire Decreases Dominance of a Resprouting Shrub in Woody Encroached Grassland, Ecology, vol. 101, no. 2, pp. 1-11, 2019.
R. O'Connor, Boyd, C. S., Naugle, D. E., and Smith, J. T., The Carbon Security Index: A Novel Approach to Assessing How Secure Carbon Is in Sagebrush Ecosystems Within the Great Basin, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 97, pp. 169 - 177, 2024.
R. O'Connor and Germino, M. J., Comment on: Grazing Disturbance Promotes Exotic Annual Grasses by Degrading Soil Biocrust Communities, Ecological Applications, vol. 31, no. 7, 2021.
K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., Boyd, C. S., O'Connor, R., and Copeland, S. M., Dormant-Season Moderate Grazing Prefire Maintains Diversity and Reduces Exotic Annual Grass Response Postfire in Imperiled Artemisia Steppe, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 79, pp. 91 - 99, 2021.
V. Schroeder, Johnson, D. D., Davies, K. W., Boyd, C. S., and O'Connor, R., Effects of Dormant Season and Contemporary Spring-Summer Grazing on Plant Community Composition in the Sagebrush Ecosystem, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 2024.
R. O'Connor, Blumenthal, D. M., Ocheltree, T. W., and Nippert, J. B., Elevated CO2 Counteracts Effects of Water Stress on Woody Rangeland-Encroaching Species, Tree Physiology, 2022.
M. D. Smith, Wilkins, K. D., Holdrege, M. C., Wilfahrt, P., O'Connor, R., Larson, J. E., and Munson, S. M., Extreme Drought Impacts have been Underestimated in Grasslands and Shrublands Globally, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 121, no. 4, 2024.
J. D. Bates, Herbaceous Biomass Response to Prescribed Fire in Juniper-Encroached Sagebrush Steppe, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 28-35, 2019.
K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., and O'Connor, R., Long-term Evaluation of Restoring Understories in Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities with Mowing and Seeding Native Bunchgrass, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 75, pp. 81-90, 2021.
V. Schroeder, Johnson, D. D., O'Connor, R., Crouch, C. G., Dragt, W. J., Quicke, H. E., Silva, L. F., and Wood, D. J., Managing Invasive Annual Grasses, Annually: A Case for More Case Studies, Rangelands, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 210-217, 2022.
R. A. Gill, O'Connor, R., Rhodes, A., Bishop, T. B. B., Laughlin, D. C., and St Clair, S. B., Niche Opportunities for Invasive Annual Plants in Dryland Ecosystems are Controlled by Disturbance, Trophic Interactions, and Rainfall, Oecologia, vol. 187, no. 3, pp. 755-765, 2018.
E. P. Hamerlynck and O'Connor, R., Photochemical Performance of Reproductive Structures in Great Basin Bunchgrasses in Response to Soil-Water Availability, AoB PLANTS, vol. 14, no. 1, 2022.
R. O'Connor, Fox, V. G., and Hamerlynck, E. P., Photosynthetic Resilience of Elymus elymoides and Pseudoroegneria spicata Seedlings Following Acute Water Stress, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 94, pp. 195 - 198, 2024.
S. Pau, Nippert, J. B., Slapikas, R., Griffith, D., Bachle, S., Helliker, B. R., O'Connor, R., Riley, W. J., Still, C. J., and Zaricor, M., Poor Relationships Between NEON Airborne Observation Platform Data and Field‐Based Vegetation Traits at a Mesic Grassland, Ecology, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 1-10, 2022.
J. B. Nippert, Telleria, L., Blackmore, P., Taylor, J., and O'Connor, R., Is a Prescribed Fire Sufficient to Slow the Spread of Woody Plants in an Infrequently Burned Grassland? A Case Study in Tallgrass Prairie, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 78, pp. 79-89, 2021.
D. D. Johnson, Boyd, C. S., O'Connor, R., and Smith, D., Ratcheting up Resilience in the Northern Great Basin, Rangelands, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 200 - 209, 2022.
E. R. Wedel, Nippert, J. B., O'Connor, R., Nkuna, P., and Swemmer, A. M., Repeated clearing as a mechanism for savanna recovery following bush encroachment, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2024.
E. R. Wedel, Nippert, J. B., O'Connor, R., Nkuna, P., and Swemmer, A. M., Repeated clearing as a mechanism for savanna recovery following bush encroachment, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2024.
E. P. Hamerlynck, O'Connor, R., and Copeland, S. M., Reproductive Compensatory Photosynthesis in a Semi-Arid Rangeland Bunchgrass, Oecologia, vol. 201, no. 3, 2023.
R. O'Connor, Small-Scale Water Deficits After Wildfires Create Long-Lasting Ecological Impacts, IOPScience, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1-11, 2020.