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P. Miklas, Myers, J. R., and McClean, P., White mold resistance‐QTL: Identification, interactions, and fine mapping in common bean, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
P. Miklas, Myers, J. R., and McClean, P., White mold resistance‐QTL: Identification, interactions, and fine mapping in common bean, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
M. J. Costello and C. Baker, S., Who eats sea meat? Expanding human consumption of marine mammals, Biological Conservation, vol. 144, no. 12, pp. 2745 - 2746, 2011.
M. Edwards, Who is Vulnerable to Hunger in Oregon?, Rural Studies Program Fact Sheets, 2010.
K. Japhet, Hannaway, D. B., and Dodrill, S., Who’s Coming to Dinner? . 1999.
M. Fisher, Reimer, J., and Carr, E. R., Who Should be Interviewed in Surveys of Household Income?, World Development, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 966 - 973, 2010.
R. A.S., Whole-grain and fiber-enriched noodles, in Fibre-rich and wholegrain foods: improving quality, 2013.
A. Pujar, Jaiswal, P., Kellogg, E. A., Ilic, K., Vincent, L., Avraham, S., Stevens, P., Zapata, F., Reiser, L., Rhee, S. Y., Sachs, M. M., Schaeffer, M., Stein, L., Ware, D., and McCouch, S., Whole-plant growth stage ontology for angiosperms and its application in plant biology., Plant physiology, vol. 142, pp. 414-28, 2006.
N. R. Rimbey, L. Torell, A., and Tanaka, J. A., Why Grazing Permits Have Economic Value, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 20-40, 2007.
J. Lenihan, Neilson, R., Bachelet, D., and Drapek, R., Widespread Dieback of Forests in North America under Rapid Global Warming: Response to the VINCERA Future Climate Scenarios Simulated by the MC1 DGVM, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2005.
M. Hanumappa, Preece, J., Elser, J., Nemeth, D., Bono, G., Wu, K., and Jaiswal, P., WikiPathways for plants: a community pathway curation portal and a case study in rice and arabidopsis seed development networks, Rice, vol. 6, 2013.
B. Sorte, The wild caught salmon industry: Its challenges and potential, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Impact Assessment Reports, 2010.
C. E. Finn, Strik, B. C., Yorgey, B., Qian, M. C., Martin, R. R., and Peterson, M., ‘Wild Treasure’Thornless Trailing Blackberry, HortScience, vol. 45, pp. 434–436, 2010.
K. E. Mayer, Boyd, C. S., Pellant, M. L., and Pyke, D. A., Wildfire and Invasive Species in the West: Challenges That Hinder Current and Future Management and Protection of the Sagebrush-steppe Ecosystem-A Gap Report, 2014.
T. Sheehan, Bachelet, D., Ferschweiler, K., Abatzoglou, J. T., and Hegewisch, K., Wildfire, vegetation change, and carbon: the effect of different projected climate futures on vegetation in the western United States, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
M. C., T., H., G., A., R., H., B., W., and Stewart, S., Wildland-Urban Interface Maps Vary with Purpose and Context, Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2007.
T. E. Fulbright, Wildlife Responses to Brush Management: A Contemporary Evaluation, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 35 - 44, 2018.
D. C. Ganskopp, Svejcar, T., Taylor, F., and Farstvedt, J., Will Spring Cattle Grazing among Young Bitterbrush Enhance Shrub Growth?, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, pp. 64–65, 2006.
M. J. Fisher, Deboodt, T., and Buckhouse, J., Will the Creek Flow Again: The Camp Creek Period, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2005.
C. M. Britton and Clark, F. A., Will Your Sagebrush Range Burn?, Rangelands Archives, vol. 3, pp. 207–208, 1981.
A. R. Mosley, Yilma, S., Hane, D. C., and James, S. R., Willamette: A Chipping Cultivar with High Yield and Specific Gravity, Low Incidence of Hollow Heart and Brown Center, and Suitability for Fresh-Market Usage, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 85 - 92, 2008.
M. Calaf, Higgins, C. W., and Parlange, M., Wind farms and scalar fluxes over a farmland, a Large Eddy Simulation study, in APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
C. W. Higgins, Vaché, K., Calaf, M., Hassanpour, E., and Parlange, M. B., Wind turbines and water in irrigated areas, Agricultural Water Management, pp. 299–300, 2015.
S. A. Drake, Higgins, C. W., Huwald, H., Parlange, M. B., Thomas, C. K., and Nolin, A. W., Wind-Induced Pressure Perturbations in Alpine Snow, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
Windows on Pacific whiting. Newport, Or. : Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association, Oregon State University Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University Seafoods Laboratory, Submitted.